The sky rockets are in full bloom, they always amaze me!!! Each year we collect the seeds and throw them out in the early spring, we got these seeds from the side of a road that had thousands of them.
On the fourth of July, just after I got back from a trip to Oregon, I was in the Chicken coop and turned , starting to walk out of the grain room and tripped on the door threshold falling HARD against the opposite door . I was in a lot of pain and my shoulder was bulging out. I could not move my arm , it was locked into a weird position. I knew it was dislocated and was hoping I could somehow with Richards help put it back into position, but it just hurt too much and I could not relax it at all. So we headed to the emergency room after calling around to see how much it might cost. I was told about $500.00 . That is a lot of money for us
at the moment but I didn't have a choice.
When we got there I was the only patient around, so I went right into the treatment room. I received an X-ray and lay there a while until a nurse gave me an IV of what they call a "conscious sedation" WOW I was in LA LA land because I do not take any drugs or even drink coffee so I was WAY OUT THERE!!! AND SOOOOOOOOOO RELAXED!
After a while the Doctor came in, had someone hold me from the top and he pulled on my arm slowly and firmly and my joint popped back into place in a second because I was so relaxed and had no resistance to do other wise. It felt so much better , what a difference! They told me to come back in two weeks to make sure I was healing, but I went to my acupuncturist and he helped me out more than anything.
I am being very careful, holding my arm close to my waist until it feels strong enough to start exercising it to get back my strength. This last picture was taken the middle of June, it was the only one I had showing my pick of the day, but the first picture of me in the kitchen was on the 8th of July, you can see the strap of the arm brace if you look close.
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