So the back side of the chicken coop was the final chose .
This location required three walls and as we went along we discovered it took some creative planning to merge the shower roof with the chicken coop wall. There were limitations because of the placement of the gutter. We tucked it right underneath and it worked out really well. The gutter protects the seam from direct water exposure.
The first was to establish where the post would go , we did this by measuring out from the existing building 4 feet making sure it was perpendicular from the wall.
The posts were placed in the ground making sure they were square to the existing wall. Next the top line and side wall perlins were established. We have learned that this is the best time to treat the wood with a wood preserver/stain so the tin doesn't get painted as well. The reason we seal the wood this way is to give it a protective finish from the elements and it looks so much better all stained the same color since we will not put an inside finish on the walls.
Next was the roof with a sky light, and to keep from having to cut the tin we made the building the lenght of 2 sheets of tin (3' ea) plus the sky light width (2') , allowing for the depth of the walls and the overhang.
Next we put up the walls and corner trim as well.
For the floor we placed cement pavers to give it a higher grade than outside and put pavers sideways to divide the shower floor from the dressing area. A small ditch was left between the wall and the pavers to allow the water to drain to the outside where we made a larger ditch filled with large rocks to carry the water away from the building.
Trim around the window and door, painting the walls and trim and sewing up the curtains completed the project!
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