Finally, we have got some rain. We could just feel all the plants soaking it in and rejoicing. The picture below is during the rain taken from the front porch.the picture above is the same shot with the flash on. It certainly created a different perspective.we ended up receiving four inches of this precious commodity.

So far we have really loved having Zinnias planted around our circle. They are so easy to take care of and so beautiful. Their leaves stay green and the flowers remain very vibrant for at least a week at a time.

The Wisteria has been growing for a few years and has reached up into the very top of these trees. These kinds of vines are known to kill the tree they climb up. So we are retraining the Wisteria, to create a crown around our statue. Hoping that because the vines are not up in the tree preventing light from reaching the leaves that we will not kill these trees .

The new chicks are about two months old and are free from their confined area. They are out and about with the other chickens, free to roam the 10 acre spread. It will take them about a week to where they feel comfortable enough to explore beyond the enclosure.

This pullet (a chicken before they begin laying eggs) must have eaten something that block it's croup. She would eat and her croup was swelling so badly that she was unable to walk very well. I tried to massage the area to dislodge what ever was blocking her passage way, but I was unsuccessful. Therefore, we decided to end her misery.

Beautiful clouds in the sky and hopefully the rain follows.

The first blueberries of the season! . I usually make blueberry pancakes at least once a week during blueberry season. We also have them with yogurt or cottage cheese or just eat them right off the Bush. It has been a very prolithic season and it lasts at least a month.
Below is a copper head snake, with a very poisonous and painful bite!!!
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