Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Electrical, plumbing and ceiling insulation for Bedroom

I ran the electrical myself, that way we have the outlets and lights just where we want them.We always use code as our guide and save thousands of dollars. It is not hard, I studied the electrical manual I got from Home Depot,it was well written and easy to understand. The good thing about running electrical lines is you probably have the tools already with a few others specific to electrical work.

We did hire a plumber to do the rough out and finish work, but there were mistakes that we had to amend as we went along. We realized that we had to be right with them every step of the way or they would do not so careful installations.

They did install the special water pipes made of a material that cannot split when it freeze's.
That did take special equipment.

The insulation went up next, we used 5 inch Styrofoam in a double  thickness, alternating the sheets.
I used a 4 foot long T-square and cut it with a wood saw, it worked very well.

I measured and fit them as tight as I could using little nails to hold them in place where necessary.

It made a huge difference in the heat exchange from the roof heating up the room, even with the walls uncovered.

Then the Tyvek went up to add another moisture /heat barrier.

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