Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More Clearing, Burning And taking down the tent!

We removed all the plants from the tent that had held out for over 5 years. It was used for our first room on the land, then it became our closet and finally it wintered over our plants that were too sensitive for the freezes. By the time we took it down it was in pretty bad shape. We had covered it with a few tarps just to extend its life. It worked. It certainly paid for itself many times over!

We decided to clear the area where the car port and our straw bale house will go in the future while it was still spring, before the heat of the summer would be upon us. The carport will be the next building, at this moment anyway.
We started by chain-sawing the trees one by one and cutting them up into firewood.
Then we had our neighbor with his back hoe dig up the tree trucks. Hiring him saved us......., well actually we could not have done this by ourselves, so this was a tremendous help. It took him about 6 hours to dig up all the stumps of the trees we cut down. We were left with a very large circle of stumps to burn.

The pictures below the backhoe/stump pictures is where I paned from the closet around to the spot where we will build the carport.

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