Saturday, December 28, 2013

Kitchen area Wall

 It is hard to believe that it took two months of sanding to prepare this small stack of recycled 1" X 6" lumber, it had tar and wear marks that needed to be removed.  (It was used as a sub floor installed on the diagonal. Thus the markings that are visible as a lighter color. )
 So the process of measuring , cutting and nailing  begin .Because the boards were not the same width and not perfectly straight, we covered the wall with clear plastic so we would not have the insulation seeping through. The reason for using clear plastic was so we could see the wood framing easily to nail the boards to.
 Where the pipes and electric come through the wall ,cuts needed to be made.
 The wall slowly moves up....
 Richard is mechanically measuring the wood for the cut around the switches. What one always needs to keep in mind is the depth of all layers involved in the construction, making sure the end  result is what you want. This is a good example: if the electrical box is too shallow , there would be a space between the switch plate and the wall. Placed too deep , the switches would not be long enough.

 WOW IT's DONE!!!!!

With the first coat of varnish... what a difference!!!!   This is our work for the month of December... and the last days of the year are here!

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